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The Transportation's main location is at 2035 Monroe Avenue at the Central Administrative Office. Our telephone number is (585) 242-5200 Ext. 5805. Please call us between the hours of 6:30am to 12:30pm and then 1:30pm to 5:00pm.




There is a group email that we can all access.  If one of us is out of the office, the others can still access this email:   bcsd_transportation@bcsd.org

Transportation's fax number is (585) 242-5098.



The Transportation Department can assist BCSD staff with completing the reservation process for 14-Passenger vans, requesting a First Student charter, or the process to obtain a coach charters for out-of-town trips.  

This PowerPoint explains in detail the protocols and procedures for all.   Vans and Charters PowerPoint

Below is a brief summary of the steps for each:


  • The district owns two 14-Passenger vans (13 passengers beside the driver) and two  minivans (6 passengers besides the driver) 
    • To order any van, you must:
      • submit a driver's license review by submitting the AUTORIZATION TO OBTAIN MOTOR VEHICLE RECORD form (see below)
      • Authorization to Obtain Motor Vehicle Record
      • Once you have completed the form, submit it by email to Lou Alaimo (lou_alaimo@bcsd.org) and Autumn Hayes-Allen (autumn_hayes-allen@bcsd.org)
      • Once your driver's license is reviewed and approved,  you can proceed to reserving either the 6-passenger vans or the larger 14-passenger vans.  
        • 6 Passenger Vans:  Once your driver's license is reviewed and approved,  you can reserve a mini van (6 passengers) from the Buildings and Grounds Department.
          • Submit your request using SchoolDude.  Please contact: Autumn Hayes-Allen (autumn_hayes-allen@bcsd.org) 242-5200, ext. 5511
          • Please be aware that you must obtain the keys from the Buildings and Grounds Department before 3:30 pm each day.
          • There is a pre-trip form to complete before you use the minivans. 
        • 14 Passenger Vans:   For the 14-Passenger vans the process is much the same with one important additional step. 
          • You must request a meeting with the Transportation Department to familiarize you with the unique features of the 14-Passenger vans.  You will  NOT BE ALLOWED  to use the 14-Passenger vans until this meeting is completed.  
          • Please allow AT LEAST five school days before you need the 14-Passenger van to accommodate the familiarization meeting.
          •  The familiarization meeting takes about 15 to 20 minutes.   Setting up the meeting is a two-step process as you:
            • must set up a time with Transportation Department personnel to conduct the training and,
            • must reserve the 14-Passenger van from Buildings and Grounds so it is available at the time of the training.     Again, you will  NOT BE ALLOWED  to use the 14-Passenger vans until this meeting is completed.  
            • Please contact: Autumn Hayes-Allen (autumn_hayes-allen@bcsd.org) 242-5200, ext. 5511
            • The Transportation Department staff is generally available from 9:30 to 12:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week. Please be aware that in the mornings and afternoons the Transportation Department is busy transporting students to and from school. 
            • We WILL NOT train staff on federal holidays or the first week of school when school is in session (9/6 to 9/8).  
              • Special arrangements will need to be made for times outside that window.
              • Transportation Department staff may be available on the following dates by special arrangement.  (NOTE:  These days would not require getting a substitute,and requesting a 14 -passenger van should be easier) 
                • Mon 9/25 (Yom Kippur), 
                • Fri 1/26 (SI Conf Day)
                • Feb 19-23 (President's Week)
                • April 1-5 (Spring Recess)
                • Wed 4/10 (Eid)
          • Once you have completed the familiarization meeting, you may request the 14-Passenger van from the Buildings and Grounds Department for your use. 
          • Schedule your use of the vans using SchoolDude.  Please contact Autumn Hayes-Allen (autumn_hayes-allen@bcsd.org) 242-5200, ext. 5511 



First Student Charter

First Student Charters: 

•Used primarily for athletics or large field trips

•Must be ordered well in advance of trip departure

•Cost:  $78 per hour, minimum of 2 hours

•A purchase order (PO) must be submitted using a building budget code.   The transportation department DOES NOT pay for charters.

•Time Restrictions. 

  • MORNING PICK UP:                Charters usually can not leave prior to 9:15 am. Especially if multiple buses are needed.
  • AFTERNOON DROP OFF:       Trips must begin their return trip  to school by 1:30 pm at the latest if students are to use normal afternoon transportation home.   Alternate transporation home will be required for trips returning to school after normal dismissal.   


•First Student does not have enough drivers to guarantee a start time before 9:15.  There is still a nationwide driver shortage.  If drivers call in sick, the top priority is getting kids to “normal” school.

•Charters are ordered through Pam Perkins and are most frequently done through building secretaries who know the process.



Charter Bus

Coach charters are usually booked by a professional trip organizer  who is contacted by a BCSD club advisor or administrator.   Some charter companies have their own trip advisors.  

The Transportation Department usually communicates with the trip organizer, not the teacher or administrator organizing the trip on behalf of BCSD.

Transporting students on charter buses is highly regulated by New York State law.

Before allowing students to board a coach bus the Transportation department must::

  • ensure the charter company has adequate insurance           
  • ensure the charger company is 19A compliant
  • ensure the charger company provides abstracts for all drivers on a trip     
  • Conduct a bus inspection

A certificate of liability insurance.

A form for a motor carrier to file an annual affidavit of compliance with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.

A document with a title "Abstract of Lifetime Driving Record".

A form for a private transportation for hire driver and vehicle inspection.