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Board of Education

Board of Education

A group of seven people stand in a hallway, smiling for a photo.

The Brighton Board of Education is composed of seven members from the Brighton School District community. Voters elect members to serve overlapping three-year terms. At the end of his/her term, the board member can run for reelection. State law does not limit the number of terms that a member may serve. Voting for school board officials is held in conjunction with the annual budget vote in May.

Board of Education members are unpaid officials elected to take formal, legal actions and assume the major responsibility for the conduct of the schools. The Board of Education must delegate certain responsibilities to the Superintendent of Schools, who makes reports and recommendations to the Board of Education. Board members vote on all major business transactions.

School Board meetings are generally held the second and fourth Tuesdays, with the first meeting each month as the business meeting, and the second meeting as an “education” meeting. The Superintendent of Schools sits at the table with the board members. Others sitting at the board table may include the Clerk of the Board, and representatives from the Brighton Teachers’ Association, the Brighton PTSA, and Brighton High School Student Government.

Board Meetings

The Board of Education welcomes public participation at its meetings. During Public Participation, the Board president asks if anyone wishes to address the Board and gives anyone the opportunity to raise a question or make a brief statement. The usual order of business at the regular business meeting is as follows:

  • Call to Order
  • Public Participation
  • Approval of Agenda
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Financial Reports
  • Superintendent’s Recommendations
  • Old/New Business
  • Reports
  • Adjournment