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Injuries and Activity Restrictions

If a student sustains an injury that requires activity restrictions, the parent/guardian should notify the school’s Health Office so they can discuss any required paperwork as well as plan for the student’s continued safety.  It is important for the school nurse to be aware of any injuries that require the use of crutches, wheelchairs, or ambulatory aids.

Students restricted from physical education class may NOT participate in recess or school-related sports.

If a parent determines that a minor injury (such as muscle soreness or a scraped knee) requires a student to limit activities in physical education class for only a day, the student should submit a parent/guardian note requesting the restriction to the Health Office. The nurse will assess the injury and notify the PE teacher of the restriction. If the injury requires more than one day’s restriction from PE, a note written by a medical provider is required.

If an injury requires extended care or does not allow for the student to attend physical education for more than one class (such as a concussion, fracture, or sprain), a note from a medical provider outlining the injury and the specific need for activity restriction is required.  This note should include a return date for full activity, and any modifications that can be made in the meantime (i.e., the student could walk or do lower body activity if they have a broken arm).  If it does not include an end date for restrictions, an additional clearance note will be required by the Health Office.