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Who We Are

The Brighton Believes Council welcomes representation from all branches of the community to include schools, town, civic organizations, faith communities, parents and students.

Brighton Believes Council

Membership Listing 2024-25

Rebecca Cotter, Brighton Recreation & Parks (Co-Chair)

Jeff Green, Director of Student and Family Engagement (Co-Chair)

Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady, Asbury First

Chief David Catholdi, Brighton Police

Daphne Cohen, PTSA

Christine Corrado, Town Board Member

Dr. Danielle Edmunds, TCMS Principal

Ashley Ellis, TCMS Counselor

Colleen Coggins, FRES Principal

Sandra Frankel, Former Town Supervisor

Dan Goldman, Communications Coordinator

Tom Hall, BHS Principal

Catherine Liebel, TCMS Counselor

Kevin McGowan, BCSD Superintendent

Dennis Mietz, Brighton Volunteer Ambulance

Lance Mitchell, BHS/TCMS Social Worker

Tara O'Brien, FRES Social Worker

Eleanor Oi, Board of Education Member

Erica Oliveri, TCMS Counselor

Pauline Rosenberg, Temple Sinai

Sue Salzman, Brighton Education Fund

Robin Samper, PTSA President

Leslie Seltzer, PTSA

Deanna Spagnola, Director of Student Services

Matt Tappon, CRPS Principal

Robin Wilt, Town Board member