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BHS Attendance

242-5000 x4520

Parents should call the Attendance Office to report a child’s absence. During school hours, you can reach Attendance at 242-5000 x4520.  If you call after school hours, you may leave a message. If it is necessary for a student to leave school during the day, a written parental request must be presented to the attendance office before he/she can be excused. The written request should include the reason for leaving school, the name of the doctor, dentist or person to be seen and the parent’s signature, the time the student is to be excused and the time the student expects to return. When returning to school, the student must sign in. The parent may also call the attendance office with this information.

Additional information pertaining to absences due to educational or instructional programs, religious holidays, tardiness, and truancy can be found in the Student/Parent handbook which is available through the main office.


TCMS Attendance

242-5100 x3520 (24 hour message center)

Our school day is short and students miss vital work whenever they are absent from the classroom. Students will be more successful in school if they come on time in the morning and are present every day. Students will do better if they have few interruptions in their daily schedule.

If a child will be arriving late, parents should notify the school by leaving a message on the Attendance Line at (585) 242-5100 x3520.  When the student arrives, he/she must sign in at Attendance before going to class. When a child is going to be absent, please leave a message on the Attendance Line at (585) 242-5100 x3520. If a child needs to be picked up early, parents should come in to the atrium to sign the child out at the Attendance office, and it is appreciated if you can call the Attendance Line at (585) 242-5100 x3520 to let us know in advance the time you will be coming.

We know that it is sometimes impossible for doctor and dentist appointments to be made outside of school hours, but there is some degree of flexibility in the selection of a suitable time. Recitals, parties, music lessons, dental appointments, etc., should be scheduled after school or on Saturday if at all possible. If this is not possible, you may be able to make appointments at times during the school day when a student would miss less work in basic skills than he would at other times. Checking with the teacher for information in this regard would be appreciated.

If it is necessary to take a child out of school because of a family trip, the principal should be informed. Sometimes it will be possible to have schoolwork given the child ahead of schedule, minimizing the effects of missed class work. When a student returns from an absence, the teacher will help them complete missed instruction and assignments. The cooperation of parents in scheduling trips during school vacations or assisting the student in making up work he/she misses can be vital to his/her success in school.


FRES Attendance

242-5140 2520(24 hour message center)

When a student is unable to attend school, parents should call the attendance line. The 24 hour attendance number is (585) 242-5140 x2520. Parents should give the student's name, teacher's name and the reason for the absence. If a parent does not call, the school will call the parent/family/work to confirm the reason for the student's absence. Prompt arrival at school is expected of all students. Any student who arrives at school after 9:10 a.m. is considered tardy. Late arrival disrupts class and causes loss of instruction time. When a student arrives at school late or leaves early a parent/guardian must sign them in/out at the main office. The following list of circumstances are the only recognized excuses for legal absences.


CRPS Attendance

242-5170 1520 (24 hour message center)

We know that regular attendance is important to a child’s success in school.  Frequently absent, tardy, and/or early dismissed children miss instruction and important social interaction. Excessive loss of school time separates children from the on-going school learning experience and impacts their academic success throughout their school years.  Since our common goal is to have your child receive the best possible education, we need your cooperation in supporting regular attendance.

Written excuses for early dismissal or absences are required by state law. For your convenience, standardized excuse forms & CRPS Dismissal Passes can be obtained at school or on the website under “Publications and Forms”. Be sure to provide a reason on the forms; without one, we must record an illegal absence or dismissal. The only recognized excuses for legal absences are: personal illness, death in the family, and religious holiday. For planned absences, the form may be submitted ahead of time.

As part of the school’s effort to support good habits and positive attitudes, we monitor school attendance and notify parents in writing in if there appears to be excessive absenteeism or tardiness.  Should you receive such a letter, please know that our intent is to support you by letting you know your child’s attendance record. Please do not hesitate to call if you wish to discuss the letter you receive.

Thank you for your support and cooperation in making sure your child is in school regularly and on time.

If your child is absent from school: 

If your child is late to school (after 8:15):

  1. Personal illness
  2. Family illness
  3. Death in the family
  4. Religious holiday
  •  Call the attendance line anytime of the day or night at 242-5170. Ext 1520
  •  Give your child's name, teacher's name and the reason for the absence.
  •  Please remember to call your day care to report your child's absence.   
  •   Please park and walk your child into the building.
  •   Report to the main office with your child and sign their name on the sign-in sheet.  Children  are NOT allowed to sign themselves in.
  •  To minimize classroom interruptions, children should walk to their classroom independently. If they need assistance, a staff person will help.