Each school building in Brighton has a building based School Based Equity Team. These teams consist of administrators, teachers, staff, families, and students (as applicable). The teams meet monthly to review school building goals around equity. Each building has set their own goals based on a review of their building data, strengths, and needs.
CRPS Facilitators

Principal Matt Tappon

Librarian Adele Mockevicius
FRES Facilitators

Principal Colleen Coggins

5th grade Teacher Jessica Cordova
TCMS Facilitators

Principal Danielle Edmunds

ENL Teacher Maria Sanchez-Martinez
BHS Facilitators

Principal Dr. Tom Hall

School Counselor Jennie Viggiani
Goals for 2023-24 School Year
Previous Work
- Develop monthly professional development for staff processing equity scenarios and providing opportunities to look at resources and develop responses.
- Processed family and staff data from Panorama survey
- Worked with Re-Center to develop CRPS specific professional development
- Processed and develop procedures for working through current events for staff and students
- Continued work around review of school data
- Professional development at faculty meetings
- Work with Re-Center around cognitive redlining following student data review
- Processed family and staff data from Panorama survey
- Worked with Re-Center to develop FRES specific professional development
- Led professional learning in faculty meetings around sense of belonging and radical dreaming while gathering input from staff on what is working and what needs shifting
- Continued review of student data surrounding sense of belonging and culture/ climate
- Professional Learning opportunities at monthly faculty meetings
- Continued work with Re-Center to support ongoing work
- Focus on building community
- Unpacked student results from 2022 Panorama Survey focusing in on climate and sense of belonging. This includes identifying barriers and potential ways to address them. This was in collaboration with RE Center.
- Unpacked Welcoming and Affirming Environment portion of NYS Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework
- Established culturally responsive building norms for all meetings.
- Review student narratives from Spring 2023. Students shared a time that they felt like they belonged at BHS and a time that they did not feel like they belonged. The SBET will review all anonymous student repsonses to identify themes and determine next steps.
- Unpacked student results from 2022 Panorama Survey focusing in on climate and sense of belonging.
- Developed methods to collect additional data from students in a Spring 2023 survey to dig deeper into questions.
Spring 2024 School Based Equity Team updates:
- CRPS brought scenarios to faculty meetings as opportunities for professional learning. Teacher teams worked together to process and brainstorm potential responses to classroom situations that have emerged over the years at CRPS. The building also continued to build staff to staff connections around understanding identity, diversity and building a sense of belonging. Additionally, CRPS Habits of Mind team launched a book study around the text Creating Cultures of Thinking which supports the buildings work around Culturally Responsive Teaching.
- FRES school based equity work is focusing on developing schoolwide norms and agreements while also building capacity of staff members to support professional learning throughout the school year.
- TCMS school based equity work focused on planning monthly designation projects for students and staff. Additionally, the team explored what is happening in other school districts around sense of belonging to bring ideas back to the TCMS team. At the spring conference day, teachers worked on continuing to build community in classrooms with Re-Center consultants.
- BHS reviewed student data and determined that student participation in clubs and teams, including VPA and other activities, is correlated to a sense of belonging. The School Based Equity Team discussed ideas to engage even more students in the 2024-2205 school year. The building has identified every 9th, 10th and 11th grade student not involved in school activities and will have an individual meeting in both June and September 2024. Additionally, the building is also looking to identify ways for clubs and activities to be more transparent in the building to allow students to have more opportunities to see what is available.
Fall 2023 School Based Equity Team updates:
- CRPS is working on reviewing student, family and staff social emotional learning survey data. Additionally, this team is creating professional development opportunities for all staff, working together to process ongoing issues and concerns and planning school wide celebrations through the year.
- FRES school based equity work is focusing on developing schoolwide norms and agreements while also building capacity of staff members to support professional learning throughout the school year.
- TCMS has been reviewing data from spring social emotional surveys and narrowing the focus this year to “unstructured spaces” such as hallway, dismissal, cafeteria, etc. Staff received training on 2023 NYS legal update and best practices for creating a safe, supportive and affirming school environment for transgender and gender expansive students.
- BHS is comparing student survey data from 2022 to 2023, particularly around students’ written responses around sense of belonging. Additionally, this team is focusing on what students need to be successful in AP and College courses, including investigating barriers to students taking or being successful in AP courses.