Frontline Professional Learning Growth
Use this form to propose PROFESSIONAL LEARNING activities at faculty meetings, departmental, grade level, team/coordinator meetings, special committees, study groups, and formal learning sessions designed to meet the goals of the District.
Please note:
- MEETINGS to discuss processes or general information are not acceptable Professional Learning (PL) activities
- Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) credit only applies to sessions that are 60 minutes
Who should use this form?
- Team leaders
- Coordinators
- Coaches
- Administrators
- Reading teachers
- Literacy coaches
- Teachers who want to propose Professional Learning activities
What is PROFESSIONAL learning growth?
Professional Learning growth is defined as those processes and activities designed to enhance the learning knowledge, skills, and attitudes of educators that, in turn, improve the learning of students (Guskey 16).
What are the characteristics of high-quality Professional Learning?
Any activity designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of educators and, as a result, the improvement of student achievement; The activity is intentional, meaning that it has a clearly defined purpose (input) to guide change and growth; The design of the PL is the beginning or part of an ongoing process and planned over a period of time, where teacher reflection is a continuous effort as part of the learning cycle.
There is nothing you can break or do wrong when completing the form. And if something needs to be changed, we can do it behind the scenes. By completing this form, we streamline the process reducing
the number of emails about your proposal. We can have people stop guessing by making our thinking visible.
- Log in to Frontline (former MLP)
- On the left side menu, click on Forms
- Select the In-District PD/CTLE Proposal
Filling out the form is self-explanatory. Each section has instructions, and the following list offers explanations about those sections that may cause confusion.
- NYS CONTENT STANDARDS- Select the primary subject by the proposed session
- DELIVERY METHOD- the delivery method is the information required by the state education department when reporting PL hours. In this case, a select f. study group for book studies or group discussions about curriculum, instruction, or assessment practices.
- TOPIC- To receive CTLE credit, the session must focus on ANY OF THE FOLLOWING THREE TOPICS: content, pedagogical practices, or content & pedagogy specific to ELL groups. Select the focus of the work that you are planning to facilitate. Curriculum, for example, is content.
- ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION- Describe the session's content and what registrants will do to learn the new content and skills.
- OUTCOME This section is specific to state the objectives/goals of the session. Goals should not be more than three. The outcome is what we measure; It is a qualitative or quantitative value
- PURPOSE- CTLE credits can only be granted if the session meets CTLE requirements: CONTENT, PEDAGOGY, or ELA specific. Meetings, where the delivery of information or learning goals are not clearly defined, can’t count for CTLE hours. You may request PD.
- PROVIDER- Always select Brighton Central School
- GOALS AND OBJECTIVES- No more than three should be selected. If you want more information about the meaning of each goal, please click on the goal title.